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英语作文60词左右 小学英语作文范文10篇

2024-02-08 13:53:58 文/董慧

60词左右的英语作文已经为大家整理好了,具体内容如下。小学英语作文范文:My family is a happy and harmonious one. My parents are very kind and always ready to help me.

英语作文60词左右 小学英语作文范文10篇



Title: The Power of Perseverance

Perseverance is the key to success. It is the steady persistence in overcoming challenges and never giving up, even in the face of adversity. With perseverance, we can achieve anything we set our minds to, as long as we are willing to work hard and never give up.


Title: The Power of Perseverance

Perseverance is the key to success. It is the invisible force that drives us forward, turning dreams into reality. No matter the obstacles, with perseverance, we can achieve anything.



My Family

My family is a happy and harmonious one. My parents are very kind and always ready to help me. We enjoy spending time together. On weekends, we often go to the park or do some outdoor activities. I love my family and I am grateful for everything they have given me.


My Favorite Animal

My favorite animal is the cat. They are cute and playful. I have a pet cat named咪咪,and she is the best friend I have. She sleeps with me at night and follows me around during the day. When I am sad, she always慰我,and when I am happy, she shares my joy. I love my cat and will take care of her for the rest of her life.


My Favorite Teacher

My favorite teacher is Mrs. Smith, who teaches English at our school. She is tall and has a smile on her face all the time. She is very patient with her students and always uses interesting methods to make her classes lively and engaging. Mrs. Smith encourages us to think creatively and express ourselves freely in class. She also organizes fun activities to help us learn English in a practical way. I love her English class and hope to become as good a teacher as she is.


My Favorite Subject

My favorite subject is science. I am always curious about how things work and why things happen. Science helps me to understand the world better and satisfies my curiosity. I enjoy doing experiments in science class because it allows me to see firsthand how scientific principles work in real life applications. I hope to pursue a career in science in the future so that I can continue to explore the mysteries of the world around me.


My Favorite Place to Visit

My favorite place to visit is the beach. The sea is so vast and beautiful, and the sand feels so soft and warm on my feet. I love to swim in the sea and play in the sand. The sea air also makes me feel relaxed and refreshed. On the beach, I can forget about all my worries and just enjoy the moment. I have been to many beaches around the world, but there is always something special about the beach that makes me want to return again and again.



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